Moonbase alpha songs copy
Moonbase alpha songs copy

moonbase alpha songs copy

Moonbase alpha songs copy plus#

Victor's death is represented by scenes of his collapse from Guardian of Piri, plus reaction shots of Koenig and Helena (from Breakaway and Missing Link) and an altered shot of a medical monitor showing a flatlining signal (from Missing Link Bergman's name is substituted for Koenig's).The initial section, "Previously", is about 4 minutes 35 seconds of clips from Black Sun and other episodes.The new scenes with Victor are about 90 seconds of the 7 minute 35 second running time.Dear John, dear Helena, dear Sandra, dear Alan. But it is wonderful to see my old friends again. But there have been some strange changes on Moonbase Alpha since my day. Now, I feel rather like a sort of futuristic Rip Van Winkle. My dear doctor, Helena Russell, had me put into stasis when my mechanical heart failed. Year 1 Barry Gray incidental music is heard during the first section during the Command Centre sequence, Derek Wadsworth's incidental track is heard.End credits: Year 2 end credits, by Derek Wadsworth.The Return of Victor Bergman: 'We're all aliens' from The Metamorph, by Derek Wadsworth.Previously: 'The Departure' (from Gattaca (1997) by Michael Nyman.

moonbase alpha songs copy

Opening: Background music from Year 1 by Barry Gray.There is a brief SFX shot from Force of Life, and a stock zoom into Moonbase Alpha (from The Exiles). From the nebula emerges the Moon (SFX from Black Sun) The opening is a 1 minute 30 second zoom through a (CGI) nebula in space. It was first shown at the Journey To Where convention in Texas, USA, on Friday, 16 July 2010. In 2010, the final film was edited and completed by Eric Bernard, "in association with" Bernard's Retcon Studios. The film was shot with little preparation, after a theatre performance at a Vulkon science fiction convention. The Barry Morse footage was shot on video tape by James Ommert in 2002, with dialogue by Robert Wood and Anthony Wynn. Helena had put him into stasis when his mechanical heart failed he has now awoken and is cured. Victor Bergman records a Moonbase Alpha status report on his commlock in the Medical Centre, whilst the Alphans watch in Command Centre.

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